Embedded Linux Conference North America


I received a scholarship from Women Who Code to attend the 2019 Embedded Linux Conference in San Diego. I was really glad most of the presentations were recorded, since I was often having to pick between two really interesting talks. The presentations were also grouped by topic, though I found it really hard to pick one topic to stick too. Since there were so many presentations, the audience was smaller and it allowed for a lot of questions and discussions.

There were also lots of opportunities for networking during the event. During the day there were time slots marked as “Office Hours” where different industry veterans would sit at a table and be open for conversation and questions. I tried to stop by as many of these as I could. I asked for advice in finding a career in the future and what they liked best about their career. The conference also had many seating areas that lead to networking with the other attendees. The more I networked, the more excited I was to be in the software development field. My favorite networking moment was eating lunch with a bunch of developers when we couldn’t find open tables. We had a lot of similar interests and they were able to share some great resources for my upcoming school semester.

The conference also had a Sponsor and Tech Showcase. There were a lot of different companies showing off their new stuff. One of my favorite podcasts, Command Line Heroes was there. They also had a lot of workshops and even a kids camp. I could have attended for another two days and still not run out of things to do. I hope to attend this conference again in the future.

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