About Me


I’m a really great programmer and fun to work with. Take a look at my projects, my blog and my resume.

A little about me

Once upon a time, I was an apartment manager. Every time I got a new job I had to move. I eventually got tired of moving and decided to spend time with my kids. After driving them enough miles to go to the moon and back, I decided to go back to school. I figured I would just get my A.A to be a good example to them. I didn’t just stop at one A.A, I got an A.S and then my B.S in Computer Science as well. I made my first game in my Intro To Computer Programming class and have been enjoying programming ever since.

While getting my degree at California State University, Fullerton, I got to work with a lot of other students. During group projects, I found myself in a position of leadership every time, and discovered that I had a real aptitude for it. I also joined the Video Game Development Club and the Women in Computer Science and Engineering. Showcasing the game my team made, Espere’s Journey, was one of the highlights of my time at CSUF. Outside of school, I work on my coding skills by collaborating with other developers to create projects and review our code.

I’m currently working as an Associate Software Engineer at Blizzard. I enjoy solving problems and making great experiences for people. As a 13+ year WoW player, it’s been an amazing journey to get to work on one of my favorite games.