Women Impact Tech


I received a conference scholarship to attend Women Impact Tech in Los Angeles. This conference is for learning from and networking with other women engineers. It’s also an opportunity to network with companies that are committed to inclusion and innovation. This conference also offered a lengthy list of women in many different technology fields who signed up to be a mentor. There was plenty of time and space to network with the women and companies who attended.

There were also speakers on different topics. I found all of them to be very interesting and meaningful. The main theme that I took away from the conference was that having a network of people is very important. In the presentation about Impostor Syndrome, the speaker talked about “building a network before you need it”. A network is important for job hunting, for honest feedback, and to be your cheerleaders when you doubt yourself. She also spoke about having mentors who you can go to with problems that come up in the workplace, so you can get independent advice on how to solve them. In the panel, Future Leaders in Tech, they also spoke about having mentors to go to, and to take advantage of conferences to grow your network. The conference really encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone to expand my network.

I look forward to attending more Women Impact Tech events in the future.

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